Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Angelic 2

U know it was mentioned to me yesterday.. that happiness is within. You have got to let go of external things. What am I missing? What do I not have enough of and where can I find it?
Its just that I have so many dreams , and so many frustuations! I wanna let go of the frustuations and make my dreams come true... maybe THATS the way! frustuations pave way for dreams acquired... dreams coming true!
But u shud know when to let go. I mean u know too much frustuations are like an eclipse.. they cover yr dreams and the happiness they bring! How much is to be searched within? What is to be picked elsewhere? I think its the pursuit of things... I mean the process of struggle... The achieving comes later and boy it matters! But at times we run for things we dont get , then ccry over it! My personal experience has taught me that and what else i learnt was I got comparitively and individually(uncomparitively) better things, great things! that showed me the worth of struggle. Maybe life aint that bad... Maybe certain experiences come together... some people are hurt and sad... and frustuated and eventually that frustutaion affects us... I wonder if God interepts there... u know He's given all of us the power of free will... the power to choose what we want! I am not even gona mention correct or incorrect coz all that's relative! But I DO believe He gives us better things... My personal experience tells me that. My observation tells me that. Nature tells me that! There are things that dont seem to have an answer but maybe thats why it IS to be found.. and its graduall... the learning and finding.. the struggle can NEVER wait.. results do only to ripe at the good time...
I have had things that i felt i shud have received before but now i realize i wudnt have been able to handle them before. DOwn in it lies the desire for more... (LUMS! to be exact :) INSHALLAH! :) and thankfulness.... I am grateful to God for all that I have received.. I really cant depend totally on external outcomes.. maybe its high time we stop ourselvees... the within us to get totally influenced by the without us(the external world) or maybe its not.
COme think of it, we are somehow linked to each other. Each other's happiness and each other's sorrows and love too... I am so dependent on others for their love and appreciation, their patience and trust.. its amusing!!! And i think somehow i have contributed towards someone else's feeling of being loved... of being appreciated.. of being happy and of course at times of being sad!
Had all the bad things in my life not happened.. I wudnt have come across the wonderful ppl I have come to know and admire... Maybe life is all u chose to happen to u... by yr behaviour towards it!

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